Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are women more social on social media?
In an article I recently read on, it was talking about how women use social media (like Facebook) more than men. It makes sense; women tend to be more social creatures. Out of curiosity, I did a quick poll of some of my friends on Facebook. I asked them to look at their newsfeed on Facebook and then asked if the majority of the activity and the posts were male or female? Surprisingly, every single one said that they had more posts from female friends than male friends. Even when they had more male friends, the majority of the posts were still from their female counterparts. Accoding to Inside Facebook, more women are joining facebook than men, and the fastest growing demographic is women over 55.

Does this mean that women are more likely to get sucked into a virtual world and have a harder time disconnecting form their online life? Or because they tend to be more social, will have an easier time switching between the online world and the real world?

According to that article women use sites like Facebook to socialize, and want to share information about their social lives, men tend to see and use Facebook as a way to gather information. I see these actions mirroring how genders communicate offline as well. When women need to talk about something they are usually just looking to express their feelings and are looking for someone just to listen. However, when men listen, they are often thinking of ways to solve the problem. So when a woman just needs to vent, and just wants someone to listen and if a man is on the other end of the conversation, it is easy to see how there can be miscommunications and how disputes can arise. 


  1. I think you are off to a good start but I have some ideas as to how you could help to enhance you blog. The first thing I noticed about both entries was that they only have one picture each. I think blogs give us the opportunity to enhance our writing by using pictures and videos, so I think you should take andvantage of this. There are tons of graphics online that have to do with facebook. The picture that you have is good. It starts the entry off and gives the readers a clue about what you're writing about. However, because its somewhat well known it also kind of leaves us wanting more. For this post, you could have added another picture that has a girl at a computer Facebooking. What about a video? Sometimes videos are kind of hard to find depending on the topic, but you might be able to find something on youtube that may be a news special or anything that you would not only be able to link, but you may also be able to reference.

  2. Wow the fastest growing demographic for facebook is grandmas?!? I never would have thought it. I am 99% sure my grandma will never have facebook. Your question in the second paragraph would be a good topic for further researching and possibly your next blog topic. You kind of threw me off at the end of your blog though. I don’t necessarily think you need to have a conclusion in a blog but I felt like you were could have included an example of miscommunication between male and female online or through facebook. Hey that could be another possible topic for your blog. Your sources and links are both helpful and credible. The picture you have is nice but similar to what Sadie said; to make your blogs more visually interesting I think you should add more multimedia. Oh and I’m digging the pink background haha.
